Here is the list of our publications. Non-refereed articles appear below.
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Papers & book chapters
Yamasawa, T. and Tomimatsu, H. (2025) Quantifying the relative abundance of the lesser Japanese mole (Mogera imaizumii) in mountain forests: a comparison between natural broad-leaved forests and conifer plantations. Ecological Research. Link | プレスリリース 「山のモグラの生息数を定量化」
真崎開, 富松裕 (2024) 岩手県におけるニホンジカ増加に伴うオオバナノエンレイソウ南限個体群の衰退. 保全生態学研究 29: 61–68. Link | J-STAGE DATA
Murata-Kato, S., Sato, R., Abe, S., Hashimoto, Y., Yamagishi, H., Yokoyama, J. and Tomimatsu, H. (2022) Partial mycoheterotrophy in green plants forming Paris-type arbuscular mycorrhiza requires a thorough investigation. New Phytologist 234: 1112–1118. Link | Dryad | プレスリリース 「林床植物は共生する菌類にも炭素源を依存しているか?」
Tomimatsu, H., Matsuo, A., Kaneko, Y., Kudo, E., Taniguchi, R., Saitoh, T., Suyama, Y. and Makita, A. (2020) Spatial genet dynamics of a dwarf bamboo: clonal expansion into shaded forest understory contributes to regeneration after an episodic die-off. Plant Species Biology 35: 185–196. Link | 14th Best Paper Award
Suetsugu, K., Matsubayashi, J., Ogawa, N.O., Murata, S., Sato, R. and Tomimatsu, H. (2020) Isotopic evidence of arbuscular mycorrhizal cheating in a grassland gentian species. Oecologia 192: 929–937. Link
Abe, T., Fujiyama N., Tomimatsu, H. and Nagayama, T. (2018) Age-dependent and social status-dependent behavioural plasticity of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Animal Behaviour 141: 1–7. Link
Oyama, H., Fuse, O., Tomimatsu, H. and Seiwa, K. (2018) Ecological properties of shoot- and single seeds in a hardwood, Zelkova serrata. Data in Brief 18: 1734–1739. Link
Oyama, H., Fuse, O., Tomimatsu, H. and Seiwa, K. (2018) Variable seed behavior increases recruitment success of a hardwood tree, Zelkova serrata, in spatially heterogeneous forest environments. Forest Ecology and Management 415–416: 1–9. Link
Matsuo, A., Tomimatsu, H., Sangetsu, Y., Suyama, Y. and Makita, A. (2018) Genet dynamics of a regenerating dwarf bamboo population across heterogeneous light environments in a temperate forest understorey. Ecology and Evolution 8: 1746–1757. Link | Dryad | プレスリリース 「森林でどのようにササが密生するか」
Aikawa, N., Tomimatsu, H., Matsuo, A., Sangetsu, Y. and Makita, A. (2017) Recovery process of a dwarf bamboo (Sasa kurilensis) population for 19 years after synchronous flowering and die-off. Bamboo Journal 30: 8–17. pdf
Tomimatsu, H., Yamagishi, H., Suzuki, S.N., Sato, C. and Konno, Y. (2015) Long-term dynamics of small fragmented forests inferred from patterns along a gradient of fragment sizes. Ecological Research 30: 1057–1064. Link

富松裕 (2015) 生息地の分断化. 日本生態学会(森田健太郎・池田浩明)編 『シリーズ 現代の生態学 3巻:人間活動と生態系』 共立出版. Pp. 87–102. ISBN: 978-4-320-05743-2.
Matsuo, A., Tomimatsu, H., Suzuki, J.-I., Saitoh, T., Shibata, S., Makita, A. and Suyama, Y. (2014) Female and male fitness consequences of clonal growth in a dwarf bamboo population with a high degree of clonal intermingling. Annals of Botany 114: 1035–1041. Link
Tomimatsu, H., Nakano, K., Yamamoto, N. and Suyama, Y. (2014) Effects of genotypic diversity of Phragmites australis on primary productivity and water quality in an experimental wetland. Oecologia 175: 163–172. Link
Tomimatsu, H.*, Sasaki, T.*, Kurokawa, H.*, Bridle, J.R., Fontaine, C., Kitano, J., Stouffer, D.B., Vellend, M., Bezemer, T.M., Fukami, T., Hadly, E.A., van der Heijden, M.G.A., Kawata, M., Kéfi, S., Kraft, N.J.B., McCann, K.S., Mumby, P.J., Nakashizuka, T., Petchey, O.L., Romanuk, T.N., Suding, K.N., Takimoto, G., Urabe, J. and Yachi, S. (2013) Sustaining ecosystem functions in a changing world: a call for an integrated approach. Journal of Applied Ecology 50: 1124–1130. (* Authors contributed equally) Link

富松裕 (2013) 持続可能な農業に向けた適応型技術の可能性. 東北大学生態適応グローバルCOE編 『生態適応科学:自然のしくみを活かし、持続可能な未来を拓く』 日経BP社, pp. 78–96. ISBN: 978-4-8222-0869-1. pdf
石田聖二, 黒川紘子, 富松裕, 加藤広海, 山崎誠和, 河田雅圭 (2013) 生態適応科学とは:克服から適応へ. 東北大学生態適応グローバルCOE編 『生態適応科学:自然のしくみを活かし、持続可能な未来を拓く』 日経BP社, pp. 8–13. ISBN: 978-4-8222-0869-1.
Suzuki, S.N., Tomimatsu, H., Oishi, Y. and Konno, Y. (2013) Edge-related changes in tree communities in the understory of mesic temperate forest fragments of northern Japan. Ecological Research 28: 117–124. Link
小柳知代, 富松裕 (2012) 絶滅と移入のタイムラグ:景観変化に対する生物多様性の長期的応答. 保全生態学研究 17: 245–255. Link

Tomimatsu, H., Yamagishi, H., Tanaka, I., Sato, M., Kondo, R. and Konno, Y. (2011) Consequences of forest fragmentation in an understory plant community: extensive range expansion of native dwarf bamboo. Plant Species Biology 26: 3–12. Link
Tomimatsu, H. and Ohara, M. (2010) Demographic response of plant populations to habitat fragmentation and temporal environmental variability. Oecologia 162: 903–911. Link
Vellend, M., Drummond, E.B.M. and Tomimatsu, H. (2010) Effects of genotype identity and diversity on the invasiveness and invasibility of plant populations. Oecologia 162: 371–381. Link
富松裕 (2009) 過去の情報を用いた生物保全へのアプローチ:北米北西部の半自然草原. 日本生態学会関東地区会会報 58: 18–23. pdf

Tomimatsu, H., Kephart, S.R. and Vellend, M. (2009) Phylogeography of Camassia quamash in western North America: postglacial colonization and transport by indigenous peoples. Molecular Ecology 18: 3918–3928. Link
Yamagishi, H., Tomimatsu, H. and Ohara, M. (2007) Fine-scale spatial genetic structure within continuous and fragmented populations of Trillium camschatcense. Journal of Heredity 98: 367–372. Link
富松裕, 木村恵, 井上みずき (2007) 栄養繁殖と有性繁殖:クローナル植物をめぐる問題. 日本生態学会誌 57: 260–264. Link
木村恵, 富松裕, 井上みずき (2007) 「クローナル植物の適応戦略」 企画趣旨. 日本生態学会誌 57: 226–228. Link
Tomimatsu, H. and Ohara, M. (2006) Evaluating the consequences of habitat fragmentation: a case study in the common forest herb Trillium camschatcense. Population Ecology 48: 189–198. Link
Ohara, M., Tomimatsu, H., Takada, T. and Kawano, S. (2006) Importance of life history studies for conservation of fragmented populations: a case study of the understory herb, Trillium camschatcense. Plant Species Biology 21: 1–12. Link
Tomimatsu, H. and Ohara, M. (2006) Evolution of hierarchical floral resource allocation associated with mating system in an animal-pollinated hermaphroditic herb, Trillium camschatcense (Trilliaceae). American Journal of Botany 93: 134–141. Link
富松裕 (2005) 生育場所の分断化は植物個体群にどのような影響を与えるか? 保全生態学研究 10: 163–171. Link

富松裕, 大原雅 (2005) 林床植物個体群の存続を脅かす要因: オオバナノエンレイソウの保全生物学. 種生物学会(掘良通, 大原雅)編 『草木を見つめる科学:植物の生活史研究』 文一総合出版, pp. 163–182. ISBN: 4829910631.
Tomimatsu, H. and Ohara, M. (2004) Edge effects on recruitment of Trillium camschatcense in small forest fragments. Biological Conservation 117: 509–519. pdf
Tomimatsu, H., Hoya, A., Takahashi, H. and Ohara, M. (2004) Genetic diversity and multilocus genetic structure in the relictual endemic herb Japonolirion osense (Petrosaviaceae). Journal of Plant Research 117: 13–18. pdf
Tomimatsu, H. and Ohara, M. (2003) Floral visitors of Trillium camschatcense (Trilliaceae) in fragmented forests. Plant Species Biology 18: 123–127. pdf
Tomimatsu, H. and Ohara, M. (2003) Genetic diversity and local population structure of fragmented populations of Trillium camschatcense (Trilliaceae). Biological Conservation 109: 249–258. pdf
Tomimatsu, H. and Ohara, M. (2002) Effects of forest fragmentation on seed production of the understory herb Trillium camschatcense. Conservation Biology 16: 1277–1285. pdf
富松裕, 臼井文彦, 清本隆司 (1999) 東京における都市公園の歴史と位置づけ. 生物学史研究 64: 1–12.
Tomimatsu, H. (2024) Message from the new Editor-in-Chief. Ecological Research 39: 3–4. Link
足立直樹 監訳・BBOPスタンダード翻訳チーム (2012) 生物多様性オフセットに関するBBOPスタンダード. 東北大学生態適応グローバルCOE環境機関コンソーシアム. Link
富松裕 (2009) 書評—撹乱と遷移の自然史:「空き地」の植物生態学. 日本生態学会ニュースレター 17: 15–16.
保全生態学研究会, 22名 (1999) マルハナバチ一斉調査(第ニ報). 保全生態学研究 4: 71–75. Link
富松裕, 臼井文彦, 清本隆司 (1999) 都市公園の利用から見た東京の公園行政の動向. 都市公園 144: 73–76.